Venue Location

Venue Details

Childerley Orchard
CB23 8BA

General Details

For Cambridge Club & Strawberries & Creem Festivals Parking is available within close proximity to the festival site at Bourn Airfield. We encourage you to purchase tickets in advance to guarantee your space in the car park. Cars can be left for the weekend, and there is bicycle parking too. There is 24 hour security, but cars and bikes are left at owners risk. Parking at Bourn Airfield will be clearly signposted on your way, please follow these directions rather than using your sat nav. The car park at Bourn Airfield is the same location for day, weekend and camping ticket holders. Any vehicles parked illegally around the proximity of the festival will be dealt with accordingly. You are not permitted to sleep in your car overnight. Shuttle buses will take you the short distance from the car park to the festival site. You are not able to return to your car once you have left the car park and entered the festival.
Accessible Seating -

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